Processing staff Separations and departures2022-10-25T09:37:07+10:00

What is: Processing staff Separations and departures

Processing the departure of staff

When staff leave the organisation, it’s your role to manage the exit process well and to make it a positive experience for the employee.


    Why is this important and what’s my role?

    People leave organisations for many reasons, which can be positive, neutral or negative. They may be moving, have accepted a promotion, adapting to changes in their personal circumstances or retiring. Whatever the reason, it’s important to invest in the exit process in the same way you do the recruitment process. It’s possible the person will return one day and it’s guaranteed they’ll share their experience with others. How you manage someone’s exit reveals something about you and Metro North Health. Try to make it positive.

    What do I need to do?

    When a person leaves Metro North Health you should:

    • arrange an exit interview—see the engagement survey framework for more information
    • organise a farewell—talk to the team about what would be suitable
    • send an email to relevant team members, colleagues and stakeholders to advise of their exit and acknowledge their contributions
    • make plans to recover any items such as identification cards, mobile phones and returnable uniforms
    • de-activate the person’s system access once they leave including email, Novell access, local applications access via the Online Provisioning System and swipe card access.

    For information about how to manage the exit of a staff member, refer to payroll advice.

    If you need advice or support, consult your HR Business Partner, who can also provide a Separation Advice Form and Separation Checklist.

    Useful links

    Essential Contacts

    People and Culture Business Partners

    Ph:                     1800 275 275


    QHEPS:            HR Business Partners

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