Manager Milestone Micro Skills2024-04-23T14:26:20+10:00

What is: Manager Milestone Micro Skills

Fast learning for the modern manager

Manager Milestones Micro Skills (Micro Skills) is a collection of short guides to help inform and guide managers on a wide range of topics.


    What are Manager Milestones Micro Skills?

    Manager Milestones Micro Skills (Micro Skills) provides guidance on managing a modern workplace.

    Micro Skills are:

    • Portable
    • Constantly adding new topics
    • Regularly updated

    Each topic is 3-5 minutes long. Each Micro Skill topic is designed:

    • To get you started
    • As an opportunity to refresh your skills or thinking
    • Check your current understanding of a topic to ensure it is up to date.

    For Supervisors and Managers

    Being a manger can be challenging. There is a lot to know and practice. Your time is precious. There will be times when you only have a few available minutes to familiarise yourself with a topic or refresh your memory. Micro Skills is an online, up to date, set of portable content that can help you be the best manager you can be.

    For Educators and Trainers

    You can use the material as:

    • part of your own training and educational activities
    • starting points to stimulate thinking
    • guides on Metro North Health expectations

    The Micro Skills website runs Google Analytics which provides aggregate data on the use of the Micro Skills resource. The analytics can help target education and training activities.

    For Everyone

    Micro Skills is for open to all employees of Metro North Health including:

    • People who want to be a manager
    • People interested in how Metro North Health expects managers to function
    • Anyone curious

    Why is this important and what’s my role?

    Our values represent who we are and what we care about: respect, integrity, compassion, high performance, teamwork. Putting these values into action:

    • Delivers better experiences for those who use our services
    • Creates great places to work for our staff.

    Metro North has a range of initiatives to help staff do this:

    • Values Based Recruitment
    • the Have Your Safe culture assessment
    • Putting People First

    Micro Skills is part of our commitment to Values Based Management.

    What do I need to do?

    Using the Micro Skills resource is optional. You can use them as you want.

    Micro Skills consist of 3 parts:

    • “What is…” provides information on important concepts to know as a manager. They are written by content experts on the topic. You can always check the “What is…” topics to learn the basics or refresh your understanding.
    • “How to…” provide guidance on how to behave in a modern professional workplace. These guides are based on the Lominger Competency Framework. Lominger is an internationally recognised framework incorporated into many Metro North Health initiatives.
    • “Manager Guides” provide guidance for preparing new managers for their role. The Guides can be saved to your device or printed out to remind you of what type of information might be useful at each stage of your introduction to managing in Metro North Health.

    Lominger Competency Maps

    Performance and behaviour indicators:

    More about Lominger.

    Essential Contacts

    People and Culture Programs

    Capability Leadership and Learning


    Culture, Engagement and Wellbeing


    Values in Action

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