What is: Timesheets
Keeping records of staff entitlements
Timesheets help to make sure staff receive all that they’re entitled to. They provide a record of time spent at work and accrued leave entitlements.
What is a timesheet?
Timesheets are used to track staff entitlements. They record time in attendance, time off, overtime, flexible working arrangements and more.
It’s up to employees to:
- record start and finish times, accrued time off and leave
- complete timesheets accurately—it’s considered fraud to put false information in a timesheet
- submit completed timesheets fortnightly for approval
- take accrued flex time within the provisions of the Award and Agreement and with approval from their manager.
What do I need to do?
It’s up to you to:
- manage the hours employees work and monitor the accrual of:
- ADO, RD, Flextime
- time off in lieu (TOIL) of overtime
- make sure staff take accrued leave and banked hours within the provisions of the Award and Agreement
- manage staff fatigue by checking that work patterns are appropriate
- review, check and approve timesheets at the end of each fortnight to certify that they’re accurate and comply with the Award and Agreement
- record and manage leave balances for each employee and make sure leave forms are submitted and processed
- keep timesheets according to data privacy obligations and for a period of seven years
- make sure employees can access timesheets when they need to.
Useful links
Essential Contacts
People and Culture Business Partners
Ph: 1800 275 275
Email: MNAskHR@health.qld.gov.au
QHEPS: HR Business Partners
Content Feedback: MNTraining@health.qld.gov.au