How to: Balance Work and Life
Striking a healthy balance between work and life can seem impossible. But if you continually spend too much time and energy on work, the compounding stress can damage your health, relationships and overall happiness.
What does this look like?
People who have a healthy work-life balance:
- don’t let one area dominate the other
- invest in more than one dimension of their lives
- know how to attend to both work and life.
How can I do this?
1. Define balance
- Define what balance means for you. For example, is it:
- having a few hours each week unencumbered by work worries?
- taking four breaks a day?
- some solitude before bedtime?
- more time to play with your kids?
- time and energy for meaningful conversations at home?
- the chance to do activities you love?
- Talk to your partner, family or friends about how you can achieve more balance in your life.
2. Organise your time off
- Organise and schedule your time off in the same way you schedule your time at work. Prioritise the things you want to do outside of work and schedule them in your diary.
- Set work-life balance goals and plans for achieving them.
- Find ways to save time, for example:
- delegate tasks to children
- arrange carpools for kids’ activities
- consider paying to have some things done for you, like cleaning.
3. Learn to be in the moment
- When you have time off work, try to be in the moment and have some fun. Train your mind to be where you are.
- If you find yourself worrying about work when you’re not there, try:
- writing down what you’re worried about, separating work problems and people problems
- noting any solutions that come to mind
- creating a to-do list.
- Help yourself to transition from work to home and clear your head with activities such as:
- playing music on the way home
- playing with your children as soon as you get home
- going for a walk or swim straight after work.
4. Learn to say no
Know when to say no. By saying no to one thing you’re saying yes to another. Learn to say yes to the things that will help you achieve better balance in your life. Say no to the things that will create imbalance. For more information consider learning about how to Set priorities and how to Delegate.
5. Reassess
Think about what matters most in your life and where you want to be in 20 years’ time. Look at people who are older than you. What did they prioritise and what were the results?
Remember that if your life is out of balance and you’re not taking time to refresh, you’re at risk of burning out and becoming ineffective.
6. Talk to other people
Talk to those who know and care about you about your work-life balance. What’s their perspective? Ask for their advice on how you could achieve a better balance.
You may find this challenging if you…
- tend to worry
- find it hard to relax
- don’t have anything outside of work that you enjoy
- are a workaholic
- are very ambitious
- find it hard to prioritise
- don’t like saying no
- can’t switch off when you’re not at work
- can only seem to manage one or the other.
You may value work-life balance too much if you…
- can’t cope when work or life demands intensify for a season
- never want to adjust one at the expense of the other
- try to force your views about work-life balance on others.
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