Health and Safety Incident Management2021-04-28T10:58:52+10:00

What is: Health and Safety Incident Management

Protecting the health and safety of employees

Metro North Health takes the health and safety of staff seriously. Managers need to respond quickly and appropriately to incidents that impact the health and safety of employees.


    Why is this important and what’s my role?

    Queensland health and safety laws give managers the responsibility to ensure the health, safety and wellbeing of their workers and to appropriately manage health and safety risks following an incident. This includes:

    • aiding employees injured during an incident
    • addressing any immediate risks
    • investigating causes and contributing factors
    • implementing meaningful control measures.

    You can find more specific information about your obligations in the MNHHS Accountability Matrix.

    What do I need to do?

    Immediately following an incident, you must:

    • check if any workers involved are injured and if they require medical treatment
    • assess whether the hazard is still present in the work area and if so, take action to address it
    • maintain the scene and notify the Health and Safety Unit immediately if the incident may be a notifiable incident, or as soon as possible if you’re addressing an uncontrolled hazard.

    After your immediate response, you must:

    • investigate the causes and factors contributing to the incident by collecting evidence. Refer to the Health and Safety Incident Investigation Checklist for the kinds of evidence you can collect.
    • implement control measures to prevent the incident from happening again
    • record all details of the investigation and action in the RiskMan system
    • advise the worker/s of the control measures in place to prevent the incident recurring.

    Useful links

    Essential Contacts

    If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your local Safety Advisor or the Health and Safety Unit


    07 3139 0718 (RBWH)

    07 3139 4540 (North)




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