RiskMan and Incident Reporting2021-04-28T13:59:13+10:00

What is: RiskMan and Incident Reporting

Investigating health and safety risks and incidents

Managers have a duty to investigate any incidents at work that threaten the health and safety of staff and to report the results of their investigation in RiskMan. This provides evidence that they’re meeting their legal health and safety obligations and shows staff that their safety and wellbeing is a priority.


    What is RiskMan?

    RiskMan is Queensland Health’s state-wide integrated information system used to collect, integrate, manage and report clinical incidents, workplace incidents, consumer feedback and risks. If a worker reports in incident in RiskMan, managers must respond by investigating the incident and recording the results of their investigation in the system.

    Why is this important and what’s my role?

    You demonstrate that you’ve discharged your duty under Queensland health and safety legislation to appropriately manage health and safety risks when you respond to an incident by:

    • gathering and documenting evidence of causes and any contributing factors
    • identifying and putting in place control measures to prevent the incident from happening again
    • keeping records of your investigations and measures taken.

    What do I need to do?

    When you receive an email notification that an incident has been lodged in RiskMan, you should:

    • immediately check that staff receive any first aid or medical treatment they need and that any risks are controlled. Refer to the Micro Skill Guide on Health and Safety Incident Management for more information about how to respond.
    • complete the ‘Confirmed Assessment’ section of the incident report in the RiskMan system.

    You should then follow up with an investigation.

    • Follow the steps outlined in the Micro Skill Guide on Health and Safety Incident Management.
    • Enter details of the investigation in the ‘Assessment/Follow Up’ section of the incident report in RiskMan. Refer to the WHS Riskman Guide: Reviewing an Incident for more information.

    When you’ve completed an investigation and uploaded details, close the incident in RiskMan. Refer to WHS Riskman Guide: Closing an Incident for details.

    Useful links

    Essential Contacts

    If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your local Safety Advisor or the Health and Safety Unit


    07 3139 0718 (RBWH)

    07 3139 4540 (North)

    Email:   MNHHShealthandsafety@health.qld.gov.au

    QHEPS: Metro North Health and Safety on QHEPS


    Values in Action

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