Early Intervention for Psychological Injuries2024-05-03T09:44:31+10:00

What is: Early Intervention for Psychological Injuries

Protecting the mental health of staff

A work-related psychological or psychiatric injury can significantly affect an employee’s life, both at home and at work. It can also affect the workplace generally. It’s important that you intervene early when you notice an employee is at risk.


    Why is this important and what’s my role?

    If employees aren’t coping in the workplace and show signs of psychological distress, you need to intervene early to avoid further injury and to help them access support.

    What do I need to do?

    Learn to recognise early warning signs

    Signs that an employee may be struggling with their psychological health include:

    • emotional responses and erratic behaviour
    • disengagement and low morale
    • withdrawn behaviour
    • poor work performance
    • more unplanned absences
    • negative language and workplace conflict
    • tiredness and headaches
    • difficulty sleeping.

    Initiate a conversation and offer support

    If you notice these warning signs, show empathy and concern and give the employee an opportunity to discuss their health or other concerns privately.

    Offer appropriate support, such as flexible work options or a mentor.

    If the employee takes unplanned leave, contact them to discuss the reason for their absence and check they’re OK.

    If the employee takes extended time off, stay in contact. Meet with them when they’re back at work. Update them on what’s happened in their absence. Make them feel welcome and check how they’re going.

    Refer to support services

    • If appropriate, refer the employee to the Employee Assistance Service (provided by Telus Health)
    • If you feel unable to provide positive support, seek advice from Human Resources.

    Useful links

    Essential Contacts

    Health and Safety Unit

    If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your local Safety Advisor or the Health and Safety Unit


    07 3139 0718 (RBWH)

    07 3139 4540 (North)

    Email:   MNHHShealthandsafety@health.qld.gov.au

    QHEPS: Metro North Health and Safety page


    Staff Psychology Service

    Ph:               3647 9673

    Email:         MetroNorth_StaffPsychology @health.qld.gov.au

    QHEPS:      Staff Psychology Service





    Peer Responders

    QHEPS:      Peer Responder Program


    Employee Assistance as provided by Telus Health (formerly known as Benestar)


    • CALL 1300 360 364 (24 hours) Identify yourself as a Metro North staff member


    • CALL 1300 574 516 (24 hours) Identify yourself as a Metro North staff member

    QHEPS:     Telus Staff Site

    Internet:    Telus Internet Site


    Values in Action Team

    Email: MNvalues@health.qld.gov.au


    Values in Action

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