Board Chair Messages2024-06-25T12:26:09+10:00

Staff News

Board Chair

Message from the Board Chair

30 May 2024|

Metro North’s Senior Leadership team, led by our Chief Executive, are committed to continuously improving staff safety. This commitment is fully supported by the Metro North Board. Occupational violence, be it physical or verbal, cannot be normalised nor accepted in any circumstance.

Message from the Board Chair

8 May 2024|

It was fitting that our first official gathering for myself as Chair and some of our new Board members was an introduction to our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community members at the Health Equity Community event on April 17.

Message from the Board Chair

2 April 2024|

I am pleased to be able to write to you for the first time as the newly appointed Chair of the Board of Metro North Hospital and Health Service.

Message from the Board Chair

27 March 2024|

On Tuesday 26 March 2024, the current Metro North Board met for the last time. Deputy Chair Dr Kim Forrester and Board members Bonny Barry, Professor Mary-Louise Fleming, Geoff Hardy, Neil Roberts, and I are also retiring.

Message from the Board Chair

4 March 2024|

The Board met at Redcliffe Hospital on Tuesday 27 February. It is pleasing to see that work has now commenced on the Redcliffe Hospital Redevelopment.

Message from the Board Chair

5 February 2024|

The first meeting of the Board this year was held last Tuesday, 30 January, at STARS. Board members reflected positively on the outcomes of what was again a challenging year.

Message from the Board Chair

6 December 2023|

The Metro North Board held its last meeting for 2023 at The Prince Charles Hospital on 28 November. The chairs of the Clinical/Staff Councils met with the Board and outlined priorities and issues of concern to the council.

Message from the Board Chair and Chief Executive

4 December 2023|

The Metro North Staff Excellence Awards are our annual opportunity to showcase the amazing work happening across our health service. The awards recognise teams and individuals who go above and beyond to improve health outcomes and make Metro North a great place to work, visit and be treated.

Message from the Board Chair

6 November 2023|

The Board met at Caboolture Hospital on 31 October. The Board meeting coincided with the final day of the hospital’s 30th birthday celebrations. The cutting of the birthday cakes was a highlight, with a large number of staff attending.

Message from the Board Chair

3 October 2023|

The Metro North Hospital and Health Board met at the Nundah Community Health Centre on Tuesday 26 September 2023. The Metro North Clinical Governance Framework was endorsed.

Message from the Board Chair

6 September 2023|

The Board met on 29 August 2023 with a major focus being the Have Your Say staff engagement survey. The Board was provided with a report of the major themes and findings of the survey by Ms Jacqui Parle, Principal of BPA, together with the themes from the “messages in a bottle”.

Message from the Board Chair and Acting Chief Executive

9 August 2023|

Research breakthroughs are driving innovation and improving healthcare across our health service every day. Metro North is home to hundreds of dedicated and determined world-class researchers who are working hard to improve patient outcomes, combat disease, and change clinical practice.

Message from the Board Chair

2 August 2023|

On 31 July, with Jane Hancock, Acting Chief Executive, I had the privilege of attending the opening of the Queensland’s first Satellite Hospital at Caboolture. The Premier, the Honourable Annastacia Palaszczuk, the Deputy Premier, the Honourable Dr Steven Miles, the Minister for Health, Mental Health and Ambulance Services and Minister for Women, the Honourable Shannon Fentiman, the local member the Honourable Mark Ryan, Minister for Police, and other local members Ali King (Pumicestone) and Chris Whiting (Bancroft) attended this important event.

Message from the Board Chair

2 June 2023|

If you haven’t already completed the Have Your Say (BPA) Survey, I would encourage you to do so. It is important that we get the highest possible response so that the outcomes reflect your views.

Message from the Board Chair

2 May 2023|

One of the highlights of the last couple of years has been the development and finalisation of the Metro North Health Equity Strategy, based upon the principle that we need to listen to the stories and experiences of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with the health system.

Message from the Board Chair

30 March 2023|

On Tuesday 28 March, Chief People and Culture Officer Kristal Lowe and John Bartholomew, Senior Director Health and Safety, presented to the Board on the framework and action plan to address the requirements of the Code of Practice under the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 for managing the risk of psychosocial hazards at work.

Message from the Board Chair

3 March 2023|

The Metro North Hospital and Health Service Board met at Redcliffe Hospital on 28 February. As is now customary, Board members and Jackie Hanson and Jane Hancock welcomed some consumers to gain their insights to how the health service was operating, its strengths, and areas where we could improve.

Message from the Board Chair

13 December 2022|

Much has happened in the November-December period: Metro North Staff Excellence Awards Night; Other highlights; Christmas wishes; Christmas quotes to ponder

Message from the Board Chair

17 November 2022|

This is a belated column, as I was aware that the follow-up review of the implementation of the recommendations from the Governance Review into Surgical Services at Caboolture Hospital was imminent. As you will recall that initial review and the follow up review were conducted by eminent South Australian clinician, Dr James Sweeney.

Message from the Board Chair

30 September 2022|

The Metro North Board met at the Nundah Community Health Centre at Nundah on 27 September. It was wonderful to resume our commitment to meet in different locations across the region.

Message from the Board Chair

5 August 2022|

This month’s report is a little later than usual as I have had the opportunity to visit the hospital and health facilities on Norfolk Island. As you may be aware, from 1 January this year, Metro North has assumed responsibility to provide support for the Norfolk Island Hospital and Residential Aged Care Service (NIHRACS).

Message from the Board Chair

5 July 2022|

In my role as Board Chair at Metro North, there are some opportunities which are best described as inspiring. One such occasion was the Deadly Start Orientation last Wednesday.

Message from the Board Chair and Chief Executive

23 December 2022|

This is our last message of the year and we wanted to thank you for your work and commitment. It’s been a challenge at times as we’ve dealt with high COVID numbers, including among Metro North’s own, and we’ve also has some amazing achievements. Join us for a vidcast at 10.30am to reflect on the year that was 2022.

Message from the Board Chair and Chief Executive

29 August 2022|

We are proud to be part of an organisation whose staff consistently go above and beyond to deliver and support the delivery of exceptional health services. With just over 23,000 employees at Metro North who contribute to making our health service the biggest, best and nicest in the country, it’s important to take time to recognise the significant achievements.

Message from the Board Chair and Chief Executive

11 May 2022|

Metro North Health is home to hundreds of dedicated and determined world-class researchers who are working hard to improve patient outcomes, combat disease and advance clinical practice. For this year’s Metro North Research Excellence Awards, it was wonderful to see over 70 nominations across the seven categories.

Message from the Board Chair

31 May 2022|

This week is National Reconciliation Week. The 2022 theme is “Be Brave. Make Change.” According to Reconciliation Australia, the theme “is a challenge to all Australians— individuals, families, communities, organisations and government—to Be Brave and tackle the unfinished business of reconciliation so we can Make Change for the benefit of all Australians”.

Message from the Board Chair

3 May 2022|

The Metro North Board met on Tuesday 26 April. As I have indicated many times, the recovery after we are over the scourge of COVID will require all hospitals and health services to investigate new ways of doing things, new models of care and effectively utilising the new technologies.

Message from the Board Chair

31 March 2022|

I write this from my isolation at home as a result of my wife, Kaye, testing positive to COVID-19. This dreaded virus continues to create havoc across Metro North and the broader health system. I know that our personal inconvenience is minimal in comparison to the pressure on those of you providing frontline services, with large numbers absent either because they have contracted the virus or are in isolation because a family member or loved one has.

Message from the Chair and CE – Research Excellence Awards

10 March 2022|

Research breakthroughs are driving innovation and improving healthcare across our health service every day. Metro North is home to hundreds of dedicated and determined world-class researchers who are working hard to improve patient outcomes, combat disease and change clinical practice.

Message from the Board Chair

25 March 2022|

The Minister for Health and Ambulance Services has informed Board Chairs of the statewide hospital and health board appointments. All appointments have been published in the Queensland Government Gazette and commence on 1 April 2022.

Message from the Board Chair

24 February 2022|

The Metro North Board meeting on 22/2/22 was the first meeting at which Jackie Hanson attended as the substantive Chief Executive. Congratulations again, Jackie.

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